Frostbite Week 2 Results Updated and A New Venue Announced

On Sunday, Oct. 31, the fleet of seven RC Lasers sailed four “twice around” windward-leeward races in winds that were about 10 knots and, you guessed it… full of the normal Canandaigua shifts and puffs that came blowing out of the Northwest. Each race lasted about 15 minutes.

Gary Schmidt and Jonathan Gorbold traded firsts and seconds. Gary has pulled ahead to lead the Frostbite Low Point Series after the Week 2 results were calculated. George Walter has moved up and into third place behind Jonathan.

Frank Sacco and Larry Keefe helmed boats 54 and 254, respectively, for Nelson Habecker and Bill Blevins who could not attend on Sunday.

Emailed reports that came in from the skippers who were there said was that it “was cold today – no spectators watched,” so, in an effort to drive not only racing participation, but also to keep the crew members’ participation levels up, racing will move up Canandaigua Lake to Holiday Harbor for FBLP3 on November 7 where there will be the opportunity to step inside and warm up if the conditions are bad.

A trial run of the Holiday Harbor venue is going to be held at 4:30 on Thursday, Nov. 4th for racers (and their spectators) who can make it. Burgers and sausages will be on the grill at Anne and Nelson’s townhouse on the canal. Email Nelson or Anne for directions and further details if necessary.

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