“Virgil Brigman Back On The Air”

Due to some technical difficulties you have not been receiving any news for some time. I am happy to say that the Gremlins are gone and everything is now working again.

When I last posted to our blog there were only a few weeks left in the Summer series and I was explaining our new scoring procedures for the Fall Series and foreseeable future.

Well, the Summer Series has now ended with Jonathan Gorbold finishing first, Rich Furstoss second, and Tim Follette third. The Fall Series has Jonathan curently winning in the A Fleet, Mary Schmidt winning the B Fleet and Richard Phelps winning the C Fleet.  To see the complete results click on “RESULTS”.

Please be aware that there will be NO RACING Sunday Sept. 2nd so that we may all enjoy the Holiday Weekend.  Racing will resume on Sunday Sept. 9th 4:30 pm off the south Dock.

Until then :SAIL FAST”

The Admiral!!!!!

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