
“Health Warning” Do not attempt to roast marshmallows and always stand upwind.

Wednesday March 20th at precisely 6:53 EDT the city of Canandaigua will begin celebrating the arrival of Spring Equinox.  Although it is not a National Holiday as of yet, the RC Laser Fleet 14 sailors are planning on having their annual burning of the socks ceremony at 423 Holiday Harbor Canandaigua, NY .

Beginning at 5PM, Anne & Nelson will be at the cottage to welcome all that would like to attend.  You don’t have to bring a boat, but if the weather permits we will set out marks for you to tune up your racing skills.  Another advantage of bringing your boat is that if  we race and you finish out of the money we will have the fire going so that you can throw in both your socks and your boat.  You are asked to bring just 1 pair of socks due to the diminished air quality it causes.

Anne will be serving ham and potatoes, so if you feel like adding to it, an appetizer or dessert would be welcome.  Nelson is planning on having wine to go with dinner.

As it stands at this point, the first official race date for the spring meet will be March 24th (2PM) at 423 Holiday Harbor. The ice is fading from the channel so that we can see the conditions for racing.  The main channel where the water is deepest may be OK but the finger channels have many weeds left over from last year.  This could cause us to abandon our walkabout race later this spring.  I will pay close attention to it and keep you updated.

Polish your bottoms and charge up your batteries!!!!!!!!!   30,20,10,GO!!!!


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