Spring Series Cut Short

We had a late start this spring which shaved off the first couple of weeks and then came the last couple of weeks. Week 5 had plenty of 15-20 knot winds which were “C” sails.  All was going well with 5 races in when the scorekeeper decided to leave his post.  Yep, you guessed it, in the water went the score sheet.  Although it went in right next to the keel we were trying to recover our efforts were futile and the  total day became a day of throw outs. Or should I say “into the wind”.

Keel & Score Sheet Fishing

Keel & Score Sheet Fishing

Then on week 6 the wind gods decided there would be no wind at all. So as the spring series comes to a close it was Jonathan Gorbold taking first with a net score of 33, Sean Quigley second with a net 48, Nelson Habecker third with a 50, and just shy in fouth with a net of 51 was Nate Heinzelman for the series.
Law of gravity — If the keel is not clipped in place it will fall to the bottom. Lesson to be learned!!!!!


Congratulations to Sean and Nate, new junior members to our fleet late last year. Only 4 boats separated the second, third, and forth place finishers.

“Complete Results”

Next “Sunday” we will begin our 9 week Summer Series.  Racing will be off the south dock 4-6pm.

See you on the water!!!!!

The Admiral

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